Although I write about products and techniques, I don't receive compensation of any kind from anybody. The products that I write about work for me in my setting as an artist.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Table Easels

I use some of the scrap from my home-made picture frames to make table easels.  They aren't much to look at, but they work!  They're about 30 inches tall and about 9 inches wide.  I glue and nail them together but I (usually) don't paint them. I modeled my plain-jane table easels after a "store bought" fancy table easel. We bought the "fancy" table easel at the thrift store for $3.00, woo hoo!

An empty table easel with some in the background holding "wet" paintings

The back side of the table ease. There is a piece of wire from the front painting support to the back leg. This keeps the back leg from opening too far.

The "hinge" for the back leg. This is the weakest part of these little easels. I made the hinge from scrap framing molding and the little brackets break easily when the back leg is not handled gently.


I made a couple dozen for our Art Guild show so that people could put smaller paintings on table tops.

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