These images of the interior of my @#$%^& studio is why I need to do a clean-up time - whatever it takes.
My paintings are stacked, leaning, lying and some even hung on walls! No kidding, on walls!
In self defense, I AM getting ready for (hopefully) two art shows - one is certain while the other show is juried. There's the nail biter!
I also have "promised" that I'd make two of my paintings available to the Arkansas Lt Governor's office but I need to deliver them to Little Rock, AR which (according to Google) is about 4 hours or a little over 200 miles one way. An ALL DAY drive?
AND I'm going to submit a painting to a benefit auction in Hot Springs, AR. Which (according to Google) is about 4 hours and a little over 200 miles one way. Sound familiar?
These are freshly varnished (GAMVAR - really good stuff) and are very likely going into the art show.
This is simplay - THE MESS! ahhhhhhh!